Our Studies
Institutional Assessment conducts internal research studies to deepen our understanding of how UF faculty, staff, and administrators engage with assessment to maximize the effectiveness of our academic programs. These studies lead to modifications and improvements in our institutional assessment processes.
This page provides links to our research reports and presentations.
Assessment@UF: Context Matters - this study with our tenure and tenure-track faculty was completed in 2017, and led to a number of changes in our institutional assessment processes.
Academic Assessment
Sustaining Excellence in Academic Assessment - Tim Brophy and Margaret Fields, SACSCOC conference, Atlanta, Georgia, December 2016
Context Matters -Cultivating Faculty Assessment Engagement - Tim Brophy, IUPUI Assessment Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 2017
Reflection to Improve Assessment - Unveiling the Heart of Faculty Engagement - Rajeeb Das and Tim Brophy, SACSCOC Conference, Dallas, Texas, December 2017
Fairness and Equity in Assessment: Challenges and opportunities - Tim Brophy and Maria Leite, SACSCOC Summer Institute, Orlando, FL, July 17-19, 2022
Quality Enhancement Plan
The Evolution of a Quality Enhancement Plan - Matt Jacobs, Paloma Rodriguez, Tim Brophy, SACSCOC Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, December 2016
UFs QEP: An Institution-wide Conversation about Global Learning - Matt Jacobs, Paloma Rodriguez, Tim Brophy, AACU Conference on Global Learning, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2017
Brophy, T. S. (2017). Case study: The University of Florida Assessment System. In M. D. Miller, & T. Cumming (Eds.), Enhancing assessment in higher education: Putting psychometrics to work (pp. 186-204). Sterling, VA: Stylus.