Review Process

As part of UF's continuous improvement process, all UF academic programs - undergraduate, graduate, professional, and certificate - submit an annual assessment report for the previous academic year. See calendar and due dates.

Institutional Assessment staff review all Academic Assessment Data Reports using the Academic Data Report Review Rubric presented on this page. The rubric provides the criteria that should be addressed in each section of the report. As staff review the report and determine the degree to which the report addresses or meets these criteria, they rate the report criteria (using the rating scale that follows) and provide comments and suggestions for report modification. Reviews are sent to UF's assessment coordinators, who then share these with the faculty.

Academic Data Report Review Rating Scale:

  • Needs Attention (1):
    • Key items are missing (or incomplete) in the report section. Requires significant revision of narrative(s), sample instruments, SLOs, or other items.
  • Needs Minor Revision (2):
    • Items are addressed but are unclear or unsupported in the report section. Requires some revision, such as, including data in the narrative, providing a sample assessment instrument, or other items to support the narrative.
  • Well Done (3):
    • The section narrative presents a thorough and thoughtful analysis that is fully supported by relevant data. Relevant documents, including name-redacted data that supports the claims made in the report, are attached.


Academic Data Report Review Rubric

  • College Information


Academic Program Name

Academic Year

  • Mission

All programs on campus have a mission statement that describes the purpose of the program. This component is evaluated on two criteria:
(1) Clarity – the mission is clear, concise, and
(2) Aligns with and advances the department (when appropriate), college, and university missions.

These criteria are met when the program mission specifically states how the program advances the department (when appropriate), college, and university missions.

Program Type & Level are included.

Assessment Oversight is included

  • Program Goal

Programmatic goal(s) address(es) programmatic elements (i.e., to graduate students who are prepared for the workplace).

Section includes evaluation methods describing how goal will be achieved and what measures will be used.

Section includes results and findings (i.e., What did you find out? Summarize your results here in tables or narrative, and attach redacted data to support your summary).

  • Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes reflect the curriculum, and as curriculum evolves, learning outcomes change. SLOs should be recent, relevant, and rigorous. Recent outcomes reflect current knowledge and practice in the discipline. Relevant outcomes relate logically and significantly to the discipline. Rigorous outcomes require an appropriate degree of academic precision and thoroughness to be met successfully. Components of effective SLOs are: (1) Focus on what students will know and be able to do, (2) Description of observable and measurable actions or behaviors. SLOs must be approved by the Academic Assessment Committee (AAC). 

SLOs follow UF's Guide for Developing Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes

SLOs are approved by the AAC and consistent with the catalog

Assessment Methods are described (Direct & Indirect) and a sample instrument is provided.

  • Student Learning Outcomes Section Components

Threshold of acceptability is included (What is the acceptable percentage of students who must achieve the outcome for you to consider the outcome to be met successfully for your program? The Academic Assessment Committee minimum is 70. Please enter only numbers 70 or higher).

Number of students assessed for each outcome is included (Enter only numbers greater than zero (0). If you are using multiple measures for the outcome, provide the total number of students that were assessed across all of the measures).

Number of students who met the outcome is included (Enter only numbers greater than zero (0). If you are using multiple measures for the outcome, combine the results to provide an total number of students that met the outcome, and enter the number of students who passed each individual measure in the Results section).

Percentage of students meeting the outcome is included (Enter only numbers. If you are using multiple measures for the outcome, combine the results to provide the total percentage of students who met the outcome, and enter the percentage of students who passed each individual measure in the Results section).

Threshold of acceptability was met/not met is included (Select yes or no).

  • Results

Report describes findings (What did you find out?).

Report disaggregates results by delivery mode (If the program is offered at an off-campus instructional site (OCIS), in UF Online, or as a fully online graduate program, disaggregate the results by location and/or delivery mode and compare the results achieved by the on-campus students, online students, and students at a distance).

Results narrative is a stand-alone piece that includes data (within narrative, and/or attached) to support findings (Attach the name-redacted data summaries you used).

  • Use of Results for Improvement Narrative

Assessment Cycle (See AAP Instructions p. 3)
The Assessment Cycle is a matrix that graphically organizes the frequency of SLO assessment. Because programs have multiple SLOs in three broad categories, not all SLOs are assessed each year. The Assessment Cycle is usually a multi-year process that is completed in three years; however, the program faculty may choose to assess the SLOs annually or biennially. Program faculty should decide on when and in what year each SLO will be assessed. The Assessment Cycle is evaluated on the following criteria:

  • All student learning outcomes are measured.
  • Data is collected at least once in the cycle for each SLO.
  • There is a date or time-period for data analysis and interpretation.
  • There is a date for planning improvement actions based on the data analysis.
  • There is a date for dissemination of results to the appropriate stakeholders.

Narrative includes who reviewed results (Role, not names. E.g., Faculty, faculty committee)

Narrative includes actions taken based on findings from data (What impact did your review of these results have on your program?).

Report presents analysis of effectiveness of assessment methods (Are your assessment methods functioning well?).

Report includes student learning strengths and weaknesses from the analysis of results (What specific strengths or weaknesses in student learning do the results reveal?).

Narrative includes a description of all changes made (What did you decide to do based on what you found out?).