This page includes additional resources that support institutional assessment for faculty and staff. 


Academic Assessment

Assessing SLOs at Three Florida R1s. Gibbons, R., Leite, M. C., Tabulda, G. (2023 Dec. 2-5). 2023 SACSCOC Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.

Using Topic Modeling for Meta Assessment. Tolentino, L. (2023, Nov. 15-17). Florida Educational Research Association (FERA), Hollywood FL.

Fairness and Equity in Assessment: Challenges and Opportunities. Brophy, T., Leite, M., C. (2022, Jul. 17-19). SACSCOC Summer Institute, Orlando, FL. 

Guiding Principles for the Assessment of Arts Learning. Brophy, T., Krieger, C., Leite, M. C., McCaffrey, M., Poulin, J. M., & Wolf, D. P. (2021, Oct. 15). World Alliance for Arts Education Virtual World Summit, Gainesville, FL. 

Transforming General Education to Ensure Meaning-Making, Brophy, T., Colón, E., Miller., D., & Wolpert, A. (2020). AACU General Education Conference, Jacksonville, FL.

Unveiling the Mysteries of Validity and Reliability, Brophy, T., & Rodriguez, P. (2019). SACSCOC conference, Houston, TX.

International Critical Thinking and International Communication Attitudes and Beliefs Survey

Context Matters: Assessment in Large Research Institutions, Brophy, T. (2019, Oct. 13). IUPUI Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.

From Principles to Literacy Standards: Preparing Music Teachers for Assessment in an Age of Accountability, Society for Music Teacher Education (SMTE). Brophy, T. (2019, Sept. 13). From the 2018 Revised Principles of Accreditation

Reflection to Improve Assessment - Unveiling the Heart of Faculty Engagement - Das, R., & Brophy, T. (2017, Dec.). SACSCOC Conference, Dallas, TX. 

Context Matters -Cultivating Faculty Assessment Engagement Brophy, T. (2017, Oct.). IUPUI Assessment Conference, Indianapolis, IN.

Sustaining Excellence in Academic Assessment -Brophy, T., & Fields, M. (2016, Dec.) SACSCOC Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

UFs QEP: An Institution-wide Conversation about Global Learning - Jacobs, M., Rodriguez, P., & Brophy, T. (2017, Oct.). AACU Conference on Global Learning, New Orleans, LA.

The Evolution of a Quality Enhancement Plan - Jacobs, M., Rodriguez, P., & Brophy, T. (Dec, 2016). SACSCOC Conference, Atlanta, GA. 


The research page provides more information about our work at the Office of Institutional Assessment.