Amy Buhler, Marston Science Library
Amy Buhler is a University Librarian at the University of Florida Marston Science Library. She is an engineering librarian who provides research expertise and instructional support to the areas of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Engineering Education. Prior to her work at Marston, she was a medical librarian at the University of Florida Health Science Center Libraries. Her research interests surround issues related to assessment of information seeking behaviors, library instruction, and the marketing and outreach of library services. Ms. Buhler has conducted research funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services. She holds a B.A. from the University of Florida and an M.S.L.S from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill.
Model Development group
Suzie Burns, Admissions
Suzie Burns is an Associate Director of Admissions for Campus Relations in the University of Florida’s Office of Admissions. She has been working in the Office of Admissions for over seven years and served on multiple system implementation teams. Suzie also served on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion group in the Division of Enrollment Management. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida and her master’s degree from Northern Arizona University. She is currently in the final year of the Organizational Change and Leadership doctoral program at the University of Southern California.
GUideline Development Group
Jerri-ann Danso, Student Affairs
Jerri-ann Danso is a student affairs practitioner who draws from over six years of higher education assessment experience, particularly through her work in career services, academic affairs, and now, Student Affairs Assessment and Research (SAAR). She earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (major in Management), master’s in Student Personnel in Higher Education, and is currently in pursuit of a second master’s degree in Research and Evaluation Methodology. Over the years, she has worked on career outcomes data through UF’s centralized career center, and on pharmacy education data through UF’s College of Pharmacy. In her current role, Jerri incorporates into her everyday work her enthusiasm for assessment, passion for learning, and commitment to building assessment capacity within the Division of Student Affairs.
Guideline Development Group
Ana Paula Dias Ribeiro, College of Dentistry
Ana Paula D. Ribeiro is Clinical Assistant Professor of the Restorative Dental Sciences Department at the University of Florida College of Dentistry; she also serves as Director of Curriculum for the Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, chair of the Curriculum Committee, member of the Research and Constitution committees and the Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education Liason for UFCD. She teaches in many pre-clinical and clinical courses and was chosen as the Class Advisor for Classes 2020 and 2023. Dr. Ribeiro is also involved in patient care and research, particularly in the area of dental material biocompatibility, , cariology, and educational/public health research.
Guideline Development Group
Anne Dillard, College of Nursing
Anne Dillard is a clinical assistant professor in the College of Nursing. As a certified nurse educator (CNE), she focuses on engaging learners in diverse topics related to adult health, pathophysiology, and pharmacology. Dr. Dillard is committed to team-teaching. She is successfully coordinating faculty and learners on two campuses to achieve excellence in all course activities under her management. Her teaching role extends into the clinical setting where she is supporting student learning with her expert skills as an Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist. She also serving the college as an active member of the Academic Affairs Committee. Areas of research interest include fair testing methods in nursing education, improving experiential learning at the bedside, and use of simulation in nursing education.
Model Development Group
Jennifer Drew, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Jennifer Drew is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Microbiology and Cell Science in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences CALS at the University of Florida. She received her Ph.D. in Cancer Biology at University of Wisconsin – Madison. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in human genomics. Her research explores factors that affect student pathways and outcomes in STEM with an emphasis on the role of online education in increasing access and diversity and meeting the needs of transfer and nontraditional undergraduate students. She is a PI of two federally funded STEM education grants and serves on the Assessment and Validation Committee for the Network for the Integration of Bioinformatics in Life Sciences Education.
Guideline Development Group
Shannon Dunn, Information Technology
Shannon Dunn, PhD., is an Assistant Director with University of Florida Information Technology where she manages instructional design and educational technology services at the Center for Instructional Technology and Training. Shannon's background includes undergraduate and graduate instruction with an emphasis on experiential learning and authentic assessment. With over a decade of experience in delivery and support of instruction in higher education, she enjoys exploring the intersections of pedagogy with technology, learning spaces, and service delivery. Shannon leverages her experience and education across disciplines to model lifelong learning and to advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts across IT and higher education. Shannon holds a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology along with a Certificate in University Teaching from Syracuse University, and a Bachelor of Arts from New College of Florida.
Model Development Group

Rosemarie Fernandez, College of Medicine
Rosemarie Fernandez is an Associate Professor in Emergency Medicine and the Research Director for the Center for Experiential Learning and Simulation at the University of Florida. Dr. Fernandez has expertise in both medical education research and healthcare team performance research. Her work involves developing and implementing rigorous assessment platforms to measure individual and team performance. Dr. Fernandez has been a Principal Investigator on multiple large medical education and simulation-based grants funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Department of Defense, and the State of Washington. She is a decision editor for the journal Simulation in Healthcare and for the Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians (JACEP) – Open.
Guideline Development Group

Steven Foti, College of Public Health and Health Professions & College of Medicine
Steven Foti is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of the Online MS Program in the Department of Biostatistics. He teaches graduate biostatistics courses to students in the Colleges of Public Health and Health Professions and Medicine with a wide range of academic backgrounds. With a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction and a background in statistics education, Dr. Foti has experience with the development of the Levels of Conceptual Understanding of Statistics (LOCUS) assessments and dedicates much of his time to improving the learning experiences for students in his courses.
Model Development Group
Rachel J. C. Fu, College of Health and Human Performance
Rachel J. C. Fu is the Chair and Professor of the Department of Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management (THEM) in the College of Health and Human Performance (HHP) at the University of Florida, where she is also the Director of the Eric Friedheim Tourism Institute (EFTI). In the past decade, through serving as guest editor, associate editor, editorial board member, and reviewer, Rachel has provided leadership in academic and professional organizations. Rachel has published more than 178 papers, including refereed journal articles (55), refereed conference papers (71), a magazine article (1), newsletters (10), technical reports (37), and book chapters (4). Rachel serves as HHP Dean’s I.D.E.A. Council Chair & Campus Diversity Liaison.
Model Development Group
Audrey Gainey, Human Resources
Audrey Gainey, Senior Certified Professional – Society of Human Resources (SCP-SHRM) serves as Director of Talent Acquisition and Onboarding for University of Florida Human Resources. She is responsible for developing and accessing strategies in support of inclusive recruiting, selection and hiring for faculty and staff that emphasizes the candidate experience, strengthens the recruiting model and programs, and optimizes the UF employment brand.
Model Development Group
Victoria Grant, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Victoria Grant is an undergraduate student at the University of Florida pursing her B.A. in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology. With a research and clinical background in health psychology and counseling aide, Ms. Grant is interested in obtaining a PhD in Clinical Psychology where she hopes to inspire the focus of minority populations in research and representation in the overall field of science. Outside of her academic achievements, Ms. Grant is a devoted student leader through representation of the Hispanic/Latinx community at UF, social justice activism, community service, and administrative support. Interested in the advancement of Black and Brown communities and underreported identities, Victoria is excited to serve of the UF taskforce on fairness and equity of assessment, working to make the nature of our campus is worthy of its mission.
Model Development Group

Barry Hartz, College of the Arts
Barry Hartz is an Assistant Professor at the University of Florida whose research focuses on innovative means of developing music literacy and ensemble performance. Here at UF, Dr. Hartz teaches courses in Instrumental Music Methods, Technology, Literature and Arranging, and Curriculum Design, as well as supervising student teachers and collaborating with public school band directors throughout North Central Florida. Prior to coming to UF, Dr. Hartz had a 30-year career directing high school and middle school bands in Ohio and was named the Outstanding Music Educator for the state of Ohio in 2013.
Guideline Development Group
JOanna Hernandez, College of Journalism and Communications
Joanna Hernandez is a lecturer at the College of Journalism and Communications’ Journalism Department. She is also CJC’s Director of Inclusion and Diversity and serves as co-chair of the Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee. Hernandez has a bachelor’s degree from New York University, where she studied journalism; and a Master of Public Administration from Baruch College, where she specialized in government and nonprofits. In addition, she has served as a council member of the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. She is also a college program evaluator for the ACEJMC, evaluating college journalism programs up for accreditation. She currently serves on the board of directors for The Independent Florida Alligator and was recently elected treasurer of Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS).
Model Development Group

Corinne Huggins-Manley, College of Education
Corinne Huggins-Manley is an Associate Professor in the Research and Evaluation Methodology program in the College of Education. Her research is focused on educational measurement, concerning issues of test fairness, validity, and statistical modeling. Dr. Huggins-Manley teaches multiple graduate level courses that include Theory of Measurement, Item Response Theory, and Rating Scale Design and Analysis. In addition, she provides methodological consultation on various research grants and projects.
Madeline Joseph, College of Medicine
Madeline Joseph is a Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics in the College of Medicine, Jacksonville. She is the Associate Dean for Inclusion and Equity. She held the directorship of the Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) Fellowship program from 1996 to 2006 and now is the Co-Chair of the PEM Clinical Competency Committee. Dr. Joseph is involved in numerous national and state leadership positions including serving on the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Education Committee and Maintenance of Certification. Currently, Dr. Joseph is serving on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Pediatrics. With her expertise in education, clinical and leadership her scholarly interest includes assessment of the impact of integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion in medical education to achieve health equity for all patients.
Model Development Group
Brian Keith, Smathers Libraries
Brian W. Keith serves as the associate dean for administrative services and faculty affairs for the George A. Smathers Libraries. As a senior administrator, he contributes to wide ranging and impactful decisions and to the determination of the strategic directions of the Libraries. Brian’s work helps position the Libraries to meet challenges while fostering transparency, fairness and inclusion, workplace and workforce development, and collaboration and partnerships. His research emphasizes technological, social and cultural aspects for change management and transformational collaboration. Specific areas include, combating colonialism in information systems and collections, equity and inclusion in academic libraries, and opportunities for integrating libraries into graduate education.
Guideline Development Group
Patrick Klager, English Language Institute
Patrick Klager is an Instructor and the Grammar Skill Coordinator at the University of Florida’s English Language Institute. As an instructor, he teaches academic and conversational English to international students and prepares them for successful study at the graduate or undergraduate level in the United States. As a coordinator, he maintains and reviews the grammar curriculum and designs the departmental grammar assessments. His pedagogical interests include TESOL education, teacher education, and narrative inquiry as professional development. Patrick received his M.A. in Linguistics and SLAT Certificate from the University of Florida.
Model Development Group
Maria Leite, College of Education
Maria Cristina Leite worked as Coordinator of Assessment and Diversity Initiatives at the University of Florida College of Education since 2015. In this role, she collaborated with faculty, staff, and administrators in projects involving assessment, accreditation, and diversity and inclusion strategic planning. In 2021, she accepted the position of assistant director at the University of Florida Office of Institutional Assessment. In this role, Maria collaborates with institutional success efforts, SACSCOC accreditation and other initiatives addressing assessment practices at UF. Maria has performed at national and international conferences and currently serves on committees and task forces in the areas of assessment and diversity. Her research interests include curriculum and assessment, social justice in education, the historical and social context of race relations, and community education.
Guideline Development Group
Heather Maness, Center for Instructional Technology and Training
Heather Maness is an Instructional Designer with the Center for Instructional Technology and Training in UF Information Technology. In this role she has helped subject matter experts develop award-winning courses, adopt the latest in educational technology, and implement evidence-based best practices in pedagogy. With a STEM background and passion for evaluation, she holds a M.S. in Veterinary Medical Sciences and a Ph.D. in Agricultural Education and Communication with a minor in Higher Education Administration. Her research focuses on stakeholder (students and employers) evaluation for continuous quality improvement of course design and curricula. She is also involved with several projects on improving learning analytics visualizations and data application.
Guideline Development Group
Lynne Meyer, College of Medicine
Lynne Meyer is the Medical Educator at the University of Florida’s College of Medicine’s Graduate Medical Education office where she focuses on program accreditation, program evaluation, faculty development, patient safety and quality improvement. Her prior work experience included serving as an Executive Director for the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and as an Assistant Dean for Medical Education and Evaluation for the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria. She has worked in the fields of undergraduate and graduate medical education for over 30 years. She has earned master’s degrees in both Education and Public Health in addition to a doctoral degree in Education and Organizational Leadership. Dr. Meyer’s original career was as a dental hygienist.
Guideline Development Group
David Miller, College of Education
M. David Miller is a Professor of Research and Evaluation Methods in the College of Education and the Director of the School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education. His research interests are in assessment and evaluation focusing on issues of validity, reliability and fairness. At UF, he has served as the Director of the UF Quality Enhancement Plan, a member of the Academic Assessment Committee, a member of the Quest Task Force, and currently chairs the General Education Assessment Subcommittee. He has published broadly on applied and theoretical issues in assessment and psychometrics, and authored two books on assessment. He is the Director of the Collaborative Assessment and Program Evaluation Services where he has been active in grants (PI, co-PI or Evaluator) through NSF, NIH, IES and other federal agencies and private foundations.
Co-chairTeresa Mutahi, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Teresa Mutahi is a senior lecturer, an undergraduate coordinator and the associate director for the cross college biology major offered by the college of liberal arts and sciences (CLAS) and the college of agricultural life sciences (CALS). With an expertise in biology, science and mathematics education, Dr. Mutahi is interested in research and initiatives geared towards biology/STEM curriculum development, active learning strategies and assessment. Another area of interest is enhancing success of underrepresented groups in STEM programs. It is exciting to serve on the UF taskforce on fairness and equity in assessment to contribute towards the mission of the University of Florida by advancing assessment excellence in higher education.
Nawari Nawari, College of Design, Construction, and Planning
Nawari Nawari is an associate professor in the College of Design, Construction, and Planning (DCP), School of Architecture. He serves as the Diversity officer for the college. Dr. Nawari has written and co-authored 6 books and over 150 publications and advised more than 80 Master and Ph.D. Students. Dr. Nawari research focuses on BIM standardization, automating building code conformance checking, and Blockchain Technologies. He is a member of the BIM committee of the Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) and co-chaired the subcommittee on BIM in education. For over 20 years, Dr. Nawari is a board-certified professional engineer in Florida and Ohio. Notably, Dr. Nawari was inducted as a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 2016 for sustaining records of contributions to the field.
Model Development Group
Donna Parker, Pediatrics, UF Health
Donna M. Parker currently serves as the Associate Dean for Diversity and Health Equity, and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Florida Health, in Gainesville, Florida. Dr. Parker graduated from Florida International University in Miami, Florida with the Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry in 1986, and from the University of Florida, College of Medicine in 1990 with the Doctor of Medicine degree. She completed her pediatric residency training at UF Shands Hospital in 1993, and was employed at the Alachua County Health Department as a staff pediatrician. In 1998, she became a member of the University of Florida, department of Pediatrics faculty and was also appointed as Assistant Dean for Minority Affairs; later promoted to Associate Dean for the Office for Diversity and Health Equity.
Model Development Group
Rose Pringle, College of Education
Rose M. Pringle is an associate professor in science education in the School of Teaching and Learning. Her research agenda includes interrelated themes within the continuum of science teacher education, including teacher learning, science curriculum and science-specific pedagogical practices, and promoting teachers’ cultural competence. Dr. Pringle investigates pedagogical content knowledge as a framework for shifting practices to heighten teachers’ stance toward issues of social justice and their roles in positioning learners who traditionally, are underrepresented in science – specifically, girls of African descent. She therefore operates at the nexus between what knowledge teachers need and how it becomes translated into equitable and culturally sustaining science teaching practices. Her work with teachers challenges assumptions and the status quo toward broadening participation in science and science related-careers.
Model Development Group
Jennifer Ramos, English Language Institute
Jen Ramos is a senior lecturer with the English Language Institute, an intensive six-level language program where students gain the language proficiency to begin study in the U.S. Jen has worked and taught in several countries, including Spain, Venezuela, and Dominican Republic. In 2015 she worked with the Ministry of Education in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic to formalize the English language curriculum for their publicly-founded, nation-wide English language program. Jen has been teaching faculty at UF since 2005.
Guideline Development Group
Raúl Sánchez, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Raúl Sánchez is Associate Professor in the Department of English and Affiliate Faculty in the Center for Latin American Studies. He is the author of two books: The Function of Theory in Composition Studies (SUNY, 2005) and Inside the Subject: A Theory of Identity for the Study of Writing (NCTE, 2017). He is the co-editor, with Iris D. Ruiz, of Decolonizing Rhetoric and Composition Studies: New Latinx Keywords for Theory and Pedagogy (Palgrave, 2016). He teaches courses in advanced composition, rhetorical theory, and cultural studies. He is the former co-president of the Latinx Caucus of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. He is the former president of the UF chapter of the United Faculty of Florida.
Model Development Group
Richard Segal; College of Pharmacy
Rich Segal is a Professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy. He specializes in designing new systems for improving the safety of medications. Dr. Segal’s current research is funded by the Florida Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) where he focuses on creating culturally intelligent interventions to improve medication taking practices of people from diverse backgrounds. He has also been active in addresssing diversity and inclusion at the College and University levels. Rich earned a Ph.D. in the field of medication safety and pharmacy at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Medical College of Virginia campus.
Model Development Group
Candice Stefanou, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Candice Stefanou is an Adjunct Professor of Family, Youth and Community Sciences at the University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. She teaches courses in social science research in the undergraduate program; serves as the Undergraduate Coordinator for the Family, Youth and Community Sciences department; and works with faculty in the College of Veterinary Medicine on research related to teaching and learning in the professions and outcomes assessment. Prior to her appointment at the University of Florida, Dr. Stefanou was Professor of Education at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. Dr. Stefanou conducts research in college student learning, particularly around issues of how learning environments impact student motivation and self-regulated learning.
Model Development Group
Robert Thomas, Warrington College of Business
Robert E. Thomas is Darden Restaurants Professor of Diversity Management and Assistant Dean for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access in the Warrington College of Business. He has also served as Chair of the Management Department in the Warrington College, and President of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business. His research is in the areas of intellectual property, negotiation, and conflict management. Previous appointments include the University of Michigan Business School and the Institut D’Administration Des Entreprises in Aix-en-Provence, France, and visiting positions at the Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford Business School. Professor Thomas is a Princeton University graduate and received his J.D. and Ph.D. from Stanford Law School and Stanford Business School, respectively.
Model Development Group
Anna M. Thrombley, Information Technology
Anna M. Thrombley serves as the Assistant Director, Human Resources at University of Florida Information Technology. Her job responsibilities include oversight and development of talent management initiatives, including recruitment, retention, performance management, employee relations, diversity, equity and inclusion, and staff development for over 600 employees. She also serves on the Campus Diversity Liaisons and on the HR Liaisons for the University of Florida. Prior to joining UF, she held the position of HR executive in the financial services industry. She directed and managed the administration of employee surveys, including the development of action plans. Anna earned her BA degree in Finance at the University of South Florida.
Guideline Development Group
Judy Traveis, Graduate School
Judy Traveis is a University of Florida alumna and has been a UF employee for more than 20+ years. Her UF career in academic advising began in the College of Health and Human Performance. From 2006 through 2015 she served as Coordinator, and then Senior Coordinator, in the UF Athletic Association. After completing her doctoral studies, she worked as an Academic Program Specialist in the College of Education, and since 2017 as Assistant Dean for Administration within the Graduate School. Her experience includes student advisement tailored to individual needs and broader focus on organization and policy that foster academic success.
Guideline Development Group
Lenny Ureña Valerio, Center for Latin American Studies
Lenny A. Ureña Valerio is the Associate Director of Administrative Services in the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida. She received her BA in history from the University of Puerto Rico and her Ph.D. in Central/East European history from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her primary research and teaching interests include imperial/colonial studies, European migration to Latin America, Polish diaspora in Brazil, history of medicine and public health, and historical methods and theories. She is the author of Colonial Fantasies, Imperial Realities: Race Science and the Making of Polishness on the Fringes of the German Empire, 1840-1920 (Ohio University Press, 2019), winner of the 2020 Kulczycki Book Prize in Polish Studies awarded by the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. The book also received honorable mention for the 2020 Heldt Prize Prize awarded by the Association for Women in Slavic Studies. She is currently the President of the Consortium for Latin American Programs (CLASP).
Guideline Development Group
Ryan Vasquez, College of Journalism and Communications
Ryan Vasquez is a Multimedia News Manager for Audio in the Innovation News Center and adjunct instructor in the College of Journalism and Communications. He is an award-winning journalist with his work being recognized by the Society of Professional Journalists, Radio Television Digital News Association, and the Associated Press in Alabama and Florida. His work with students embraces the teaching hospital style of education where students get to learn alongside professionals in a real-world work environment. His area of expertise is long-form journalism including radio documentaries and podcasting. Ryan earned his BS in Telecommunication News from the University of Florida and MS in Interactive Technology from the University of Alabama.
Guideline Development Group
Mary Watt, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Mary Watt is a Professor of Italian and Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS). She received her Ph.D. in Italian Studies in 1998 from the University of Toronto. She received a J.D. from the same university in 1987. Dr. Watt serves as college liaison for more than fifteen interdisciplinary research centers and programs, and oversees international issues (study exchanges, cooperative research agreements, immigration policy.) Dr. Watt is also responsible for Faculty Affairs in CLAS (includes collective bargaining negotiations, grievances and discipline,) Title IX complaints and Market Equity requests, and for reviewing and approving department bylaws. She coordinates the CLAS Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee and associated Liaison Program, and also serves as CLAS liaison to the UF Chief Diversity Officer.
Guideline Development GroupRyan Yang, Information Technology
Ryan Yang is the Associate Director of Teaching and Learning Technology at the University of Florida Information Technology. Ryan is responsible for the strategic direction of the Center for Instructional Technology and Training (CITT), which includes instructional design, media production, Learning Analytics, Assessment Technology Services, and Learning Space & A/V Design services. With two decades of experience supporting faculty in applying emerging educational technologies, Ryan is passionate about creating learning experiences that are effective and engaging for the learners. Before joining the University of Florida, Ryan was Associate Director of Academic Information Technology at Michigan State University where he led efforts ranging from digital accessibility, instructional design, education technology systems, and serve on the leadership team at MSU’s Hub for Innovation in Learning and Technology.
Guideline Development Group