Frequently Asked Questions

In this page you may find the answers to potential questions concerning the institutional effectiveness and academic assessment reporting. Please feel free to contact us e-mailing additional questions, so we can improve this resource.

How do I get access to Campus Labs?

Please complete the Campus Labs Access form to request access or to indicate individuals who need to be removed from Campus Labs.

The academic assessment plan for a new program in my college was just approved by the academic assessment committee (AAC), how do I have it added to Campus Labs?

Please contact us, so we can discuss next steps in creating the shell for the program annual reporting in Campus Labs.

My SLOs are out of order when I run a report. How do I fix it?

Campus Labs is very sensitive to spaces, so make sure there are no spaces at the beginning of your title. Here are examples:

Correct: No space before SLO 1


Incorrect: Space before SLO 1

  SLO 1

The same principle applies to all items that should appear in numerical order.

I can’t see any reports, or certain programs in my college. Who do I contact to fix this?

Make sure you check the following:

  1. Correct year from the year dropdown menu (e.g., FY 2016-17, FY 2020-21)
  2. Correct type of report (e.g., Unit/College Plan for IE Reports, and Assessment Plan for program reports)

If after checking these items, you report still does not show, please contact us, so we can troubleshoot. 

Do I need to notify the Office of Institutional Assessment once I finish inputting my assessment/IE plan?

There is no need to contact the office of institutional assessment once you submit your reports. However, make sure you complete the following:

IE Report:

Check the Institutional Effectiveness Report Complete box (at the bottom of your Detail Plan Item) before clicking “Done.”

Academic Data Report:

Check the Program Results Reporting Complete (at the bottom of your Use of Results for Improvement plan item) before clicking “Done.” If no results were reported, please check box Program Results Not Reported this Year.

In the Institutional Effectiveness report, do I need to align my unit goals with the presidential goals? If so, how do I do that?

Yes, unit goals must be aligned with university goals. Please see Campus Labs Guide on Aligning Unit Goals with University Goals.

Can I generate IE and program reports in Campus Labs?

Yes, you will need to choose the type of report you want to generate (i.e., Unit/College Plan - IE Report, Assessment Plan - Program Report). Please see below the specific instructions for each report:

IE Reports:

  1. Choose a year (dropdown) for the report you want to generate
  2. Choose "Unit/College Plan" in the dropdown menu in Campus Labs
  3. Click the tab "Report" (this item is located between the tabs "Plan Items" and "Documents")
  4. From the list of reports, choose  "Reviewers Report - IE"
  5. Click the drop down menu below (next to the "View Report: [Date]") and choose "Customize Dates"
  6. Customize the report date range by changing the year only. Please do not change the month and day
  7. Click "View Report" and a report will be generated
  8. Once the report is generated, you should be able to save it as PDFs, by clicking “Print” and choosing the option “Save as PDF”

Academic Assessment (Program) Reports:

  1. Choose a year (dropdown) for the report you want to generate
  2. Choose "Assessment Plan" in the dropdown menu in Campus Labs
  3. Click the tab "Report" (this item is located between the tabs "Plan Items" and "Documents")
  4. From the list of reports, choose  "Reviewers Report - Academic Data"
  5. Click the drop down menu below (next to the "View Report: [Date]") and choose "Customize Dates"
  6. Customize the report date range by changing the year only. Please do not change the month and day
  7. Click "View Report" and a report will be generated
  8. Once the report is generated, you should be able to save it as PDFs, by clicking “Print” and choosing the option “Save as PDF”

Download the PDF version of the Generating Reports in Campus Labs guide to see screen shots associated with each step.

My program is no longer active and needs to be deleted, how do I proceed?

In case your program was terminated, please contact us and provide the date of the termination and the approval system request number, so we can relocate your program to an "inactive programs" location in Campus Labs.