Online guides, videos, powerpoints, and other resources that cover important processes and instructions that support institutional assessment are available for faculty and staff on this page.

You can access Campus Labs Planning here

Setting Up Course Outomes for Assessment in Canvas

To set up your course outcomes in Canvas, use the Canvas Outcomes Guide.

To associate Program Student Learning Outcomes with your assignments, go to How to Capture Student Learning Data in Canvas.

AACU Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education (VALUE) Rubrics

The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU) Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education (VALUE) Project provides generalized rubrics for three assessment domains: intellectual and practical skills, personal and social responsibility, and integrative and applied learning.  Within the domains, there are a total of 15 measurable outcomes and a generalized rubric for measuring these outcomes. These generalized rubrics are adaptable to individual institutions, and provide a list of criteria and achievement descriptions for each outcome.


Additional Resources  

Guiding Principles for the Assessment of Arts Learning. Brophy, T., Krieger, C., Leite, M. C., McCaffrey, M., Poulin, J. M., & Wolf, D. P. (2021, October 15). World Alliance for Arts Education Virtual World Summit, Gainesville, FL. 

Transforming General Education to Ensure Meaning-Making, Tim Brophy, Elayne Colón, David Miller, Andrew Wolpert. 2020 AACU General Education Conference, Jacksonville, Florida

Unveiling the Mysteries of Validity and Reliability, Tim Brophy, 2019 SACSCOC conference, Houston, TX

, Tim Brophy and Paloma Rodriguez, 2019 SACSCOC conference, Houston, TX

International Critical Thinking and International Communication Attitudes and Beliefs Survey

Context Matters: Assessment in Large Research Institutions, IUPUI Assessment Institute, October 13, 2019

From Principles to Literacy Standards: Preparing Music Teachers for Assessment in an Age of Accountability, Society for Music Teacher Education (SMTE), September 13, 2019

 from the 2018 Revised Principles of Accreditation

SACSCOC 2018 - Das and Brophy Outcomes Handout - Rajeeb Das and Tim Brophy, 2018 SACSCOC Conference, New Orleans, LA

2018 SACSCOC - UF Assessment System - Tim Brophy, 2018 SACSCOC Conference, New Orleans, LA

Building, Sustaining, and Improving an Institutional Academic Assessment System - Tim Brophy, 2018 IUPUI Assessment Institute

- Tim Brophy and David Miller, 2018, AALHE Conference; 

Reflection to Improve Assessment - Unveiling the Heart of Faculty Engagement - Tim Brophy and Rajeeb Das, 2017 SACSCOC Conference, Dallas, Texas

Context Matters -Cultivating Faculty Assessment Engagement - Tim Brophy and Rajeeb Das, 2017 IUPUI Assessment Institute presentation

UFs QEP: An Institution-wide Conversation about Global Learning - Paloma Rodriguez, Matthew Jacobs, Tim Brophy, 2017 AACU Global Learning Conference presentation

 - Tim Brophy and Margaret Fields, 2016 SACSCOC Conference presentation

 - Tim Brophy, Matt Jacobs, and Cindy Tarter, 2016 SACSCOC Conference presentation