Enhancing Institutional Excellence through Innovations

The University of Florida held its 6th annual assessment conference, Assessment in Higher Education: Enhancing Institutional Excellence through Innovations on March 21 as a virtual event. See below, links to slides presented at this event.  

2024 UF Assessment Conference Program

To access the slides, click on the presentation title. (Note: only slides from presenters who granted sharing permission are included on this page).



Presentation Slides

 Keynote Address

Timothy S. Brophy Principles, Ethics, and AI in Assessment in Higher Education: A Facets Model

Concurrent Session 1


Will Miller 1.1. Revitalizing Academic Assessment: Navigating Tensions Between Accreditation Compliance and Faculty-Driven Learning Improvement

Carla M. Strickland-Hughes 

Nicholas J. McConnell

1.2. Partnering with Students for Insights to Institution-Wide Learning Outcomes

Tracey Weiler

Andrea Matamoros

Katherine Perez

Jennifer Doherty-Restrepo

1.3 Developing and Mapping Learning Objectives and Assessments to Deliver Quality Student Programming
Brandon Heinz and Oliver Grundmann 1.4. Behind the Curtain: A Mixed Methods Study of Multilingual Graduate Students’ Experiences with AI-Assisted Writing Tools

Concurrent Session 2

Minh T.N. Pham

Heather T. D. Maness

Martina Sumner

2.1. Modeling Student Progression through Course Series Using Unizin's Canvas

Will Miller

Joshua Caulkins

Tiffany Phagan

2.2. Harmonizing Education: Bridging the Gap Between Academic Assessment and Teaching & Learning Centers for Enhanced Student Outcomes

Laurie B. Buchanan

Lynn E. Williford

Bryant L. Hutson

Expanding and Assessing Undergraduate Research Opportunities Through General Education: A Path To Inclusive Excellence at UNC-Chapel Hill

Anna Claire Stinson

Stuart Miller

Strategic Data Collection at Auburn University: Key touchpoints to measure student success
Caroline L. Young Meta-Assessment of Impact on Student Learning in The Health Sciences

Moderated Panel

Sid Dobrin 

Michelle Tillander

Alexandra Bitton-Bailey

Chris Sharp

Lingchen Kong

Current Trends and Future Directions in Higher Education Assessment in the Era of AI

Concurrent Session 3

Jennifer Nailos and Cindy Cogswell 3.1. Enhancing Institutional Excellence by Supporting Assessment Skill Development for Faculty and Staff
David Eubanks and Megan Good Assessment in a Time of Change
Naima Wells Embracing a Collaborative Approach to Institutional Assessment Program Evaluation: A Comprehensive Framework for Enhanced Effectiveness

Rebecca E. Gibbons

Deborah Hokien

Bryant L. Hutson

Heather T. D. Maness

3.4 Grand Challenges in Assessment: A Collaborative Effort Addressing Equitable Improvement in Learning

Concurrent Session 4





Julia Anzano 4.1. Enhancing Emotional Health: Simulation Training and Music

Sheila Bustillos

Samuel Williamson

Shafayat Islam

4.2. Using Logic Models to Organize and Track Student Learning
Paul J. Antonellis, Jr. 4.3. Lessons Learned: Curriculum Map as an Assessment Tool

Rebecca E. Gibbons

Maria Leite

Galiya Tabulda

4.4. If we can do it, so can you! Assessment at 3 R1 universities in Florida